Sunday, November 7, 2010

You say you will love me forever. 
But forevers not something you can't truely guarente, unless of course you can see into eternity. 
In honesty, forever doesn't matter to me. 
And I don't want a contract.  
And I don't want you bound. 
Just love me for the moment. 
Just love me now.  
I will not take for granted our time spent together in this lifetime. 
I will cherish every second. 
And when we part, if we part, I want to remember you as the one who made my heart happy. 
The one who chased away the dark. 
The one who tackled my silly fears with ease. 
And I'm not asking for a contract. 
And I don't want you bound.  
Just love me for the moment. 
Just love me now. 
That's all I'm asking for. 
That's all I want. 
So just love me for the moment. 
Just love me now. 


  1. mmm just love me for the moment and beyond

    a heartfelt piece about the longing for love

    thanks Rowan for sharing with One Shot

    moon Smiles

  2. One moment leads to another, leads to another lead to forever. Beautiful poem.

  3. Such longing...all anyone wants, at their core, is to be loved. By someone. It is a universal longing that binds. Even if it's fleeting, even if it's brief--at least it would be there, at least we would have felt it for a fleeting little instant. A moment is all anyone could ask for.

  4. Promises we make and keep making till we reach the end on the road...and others keep longing for us on and on...

    Come along and join the challenge to think beyond...

    visit the link

    and share your own imagination triggered by the image...the comment section is waiting for you....

  5. Plenty of people would love to hear such words, because not all love is meant to be forever. Sometimes people find solice in each other and it helps them both to get by. And sometimes that's all we really need in life: Just a litle help getting by.

    Nice One Shot, Rowan.

  6. no guarantee for forever love - but a good goal to head for..
    what i like in your poem is the generous feeling - the having no expectations - the living for the moment
    thanks for linking up with one shot wednesda rowan - nice to meet you!

  7. Such a romantic poem. Very nice.


  8. Dear Rowen
    For the moment.. the life is there in the moment and in the present.. I liked it. Thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  9. lovely written poem.
